Banking Law

Banking law governs credit institutions as well as other assimilated bodies that exercise banking professions: collecting deposits and granting loans or financing individuals and companies, as well as, incidentally, investment in several investment products

Therefore, banking law is the branch of commercial law that is concerned with all the rules governing banking operations, as well as those governing the intervention of the people who perform them. It regulates the economic activities that credit institutions carry out on a regular basis.

We act to defend the interests of professionals in the banking world but also of clients of banking institutions.

We intervene in cases relating to the validity and execution of banking operations, as well as in any litigation aiming to engage the civil, criminal and disciplinary liability of banking establishments and their managers.

Thus we usually deal with cases relating to the payment failure of borrowers, remedy against guarantees, bank collection procedures, foreclosure procedures following loans made fully due, etc.

But we also act in public banking law, for the creation of a financing company or a credit institution and obtaining their approvals from Bank-Al Maghrib (The Central Bank) and their support in the filing of an application for licensing.

We also assist companies to be certified as compliant with national and international standards for combating money laundering and terrorism financing offenses.